Beloved Chains


by:  LuckyFoot

Henry Patton went from an ordinary human making his way through life to a Lord of a Xaltean manor. There is so much to l..

468x60 $0.01+ 234x60 $0.01+

Henry Patton went from an ordinary human making his way through life to a Lord of a Xaltean manor. There is so much to l..

468x60 $0.01+ 234x60 $0.01+

Fight The Good Fight

FTGF is a martial arts military style action graphic novel set in a dystopian world. Follow the story of Sage Angevine, an ex-imperial soldier trying ..


Astra the high sorceress of the Luminous Empire.Psychoborg who happens to be the champion of the enemy Ominous Kingdom. But are things really what the..

Nocturne 21

Home site for my comic series, Nocturne 21: A sci-fi family drama about a battered boy who is rescued and taken in by a doctor after a mysterious trau..