Frequently Asked Questions
Account Basics
How do I create an ad?
Navigate to the CREATE AN AD section on Comicad and choose your preferred ad type. Give your ad a title, fill in the target URL address (where the ad will go when clicked on) and upload the ad image itself. If your ad links to ADULT R18+ content you must check the appropriate checkbox (if not, leave it unchecked). Then hit the "Create Ad" button.
How do I add a site?
Go to the SITES section in your user account and click the "Register new site" link. From there you can add your website title, URL, upload a banner (805x460 pixels) select your site's GENRE and SUBGENRE and rating. You can also allow ADULT R18+ to run on your website if you so choose. Then register your site by clicking the "Register Site" button. Sites must be approved before ads can run on them.
How do I add an ad unit to my site?
Once your site is registered you can add an ad unit to it by clicking the
button in SITES section. You can choose between "Highest Bid" or "Exchange" ad units. From here you can select the ad unit type (leaderboard, banner, button etc.) that you'd like to display on your website, set your minimum bid, number of available slots, and the ad orientation (vertical or horizontal). You can enable ad approvals if you so choose.
There are a lot of icons. What do they all mean?
To learn of the various icons in the bids section, please go here. For everywhere else, look for the clickable
, and icons. They will bring up a popup legend or hint text relevant to that page/section.
Do you have a user guide?
Yes. The User Guide along with ad/image rules & restrictions can be found here.
I'm the owner of a top-level domain, but when i try to create a site with that url, it says it's already registered?
By default, each top-level domain/sub-domain is only allowed 1 registration.
If your website offers services/products available through relative paths, chances are someone else (or yourself) registered one of those already.
Examples: |
Simply contact an administrator using the contact page and request the activation of "relative paths" (either exclusively for your account or for all users), then, it'll be possible to register multiple sites/URLs for the given top level domain. -
What's the difference between the Account Balance and Earnings stat boxes?
Account Balance shows your real time $ amount that is currently available to spend on advertising, or withdrawal to your paypal account (once a payment threshold is reached). Everything you earn on through publishing and what you add in funds via paypal, will be added to your Account Balance. Alternatively, anything that you withdrawal or spend on bidding will be subtracted from your Account Balance.
Earnings shows the total amount ($) that you have earned to date on Keep in mind that it is not an amount that needs to be transferred to your Account Balance. That happens automatically. Earnings is just a helpful stat for informative purposes only.
Types of sites accepted
Do you accept websites other than comics?
Yes. We accept all sites that fall under "Comics, Art & Games". More▾
Recommended websites include comics & manga, comic blogs & reviews, animated TV & movie reviews, anime, figurines, video games, games, tabletop games, comic merchandise, comic shops, trading cards (pokemon, magic etc.), costumes, writing, fan-fiction, artwork & illustration. Please note that sites like Tapastic and WebToon do not allow users to host ads on their pages.
Do you accept non "Comics, Art & Games" ads?
If the ads in question fall within our niche content categories, and follow the image guidelines, then yes. Examples include, illustration portfolios, anime merchandise, info websites like anime or video game blogs, drawing apps, & creative writings (novels, fiction, sci-fi with a focus on narratives) etc. Otherwise, no-- we do not normally accept ads outside of the "Comic, Art & Games" categories. For example, ads that aren't accepted include: Automobile / repair ads, appliance and computer sales ads, plumbing services, hotels, restaurants etc.
Note: It might be a possibility to include more niche categories in the future (if the 3rd-party niche grows). -
Why was my website rejected?
There are a few reasons why a website could be rejected.
1. Banner image was pixelated, low resolution or was unreadable.
2. No identifying text or imagery relating to a creative work.
3. The website or banner image was in violation of our Image Guidelines or TOS.
For reference, here is the Site Banner Quality Guideline:
What's the difference between a normal unit with "Responsive on Mobile" enabled, and "Billboard" ad units?
The only difference is that the Billboard ad type is responsive by default, while all other ad types will be displayed at full width & height (unless the "Responsive on Mobile" checkbox is enabled").
Login & Recovery
I can't login, and did not receive a recovery email-- What can I do?
Use the Contact page form to request assistance. Please specify the issue in the contact form. We will get back to you promptly.
Future Features
Why was my site banned?
A user's website can be automatically banned/soft banned for violation of our traffic/content rules such as:
- An abundance of fake traffic/clicks.
- Content violations - Spam, hate speech, propaganda, underage sexually explicit content on website, etc. For all content rules and guidelines see our T.O.S.
- Was reported - A website can be soft banned/banned if other users report violations of our T.O.S. on a particular website.
- Was changed or deleted - A website can be soft banned when it's contents change completely, or have been deleted. Since the contents have changed drastically from what it was before, those sites would need to be removed, and would not be allowed to accept new bids.
Can a user and/or website be un-banned?
In certain circumstances, yes. If a user/website was automatically banned in error, a user can appeal via the contact section to let the staff know of the situation. A staff member will check to confirm the error and reverse the ban if it is "proven" to be a mistake. However, just because an appeal has been made doesn't guarantee that a user or website will be un-banned.
Advertising & Publishing
I have free slots in my ad unit-- Why do some outbids in my ad unit go live and some do not?
If you have free slots on your ad unit, and outbids exist, it means those bids do not meet the unit minimum or are out of funds (the respective user's balance is insufficient to cover the daily bid load). Otherwise, outbids will become live when free slots are available.
What happens to my live bids if my account gets out of funds?
From the moment your account gets out of funds, your live bids will keep adjusting to the available balance. In other words, the next time the remote ad units get activity, your bids on those units will become outbid, as result, some bids may return to live (because the bid load decreased).
This outbid/inbid process will repeat until the account balance is smaller then the bid with lowest value, and all bids are outbid.
The process will re-start when new funds are injected (either through add funds or won quotas) -
Why doesn't my recent bid(s) show any expenses?
Expenses are only displayed when they reach $0.01.
The bid list expense counters update:
- When a quota is paid (and total expense reaches $0.01)
- When total expense reaches $0.01 before/after quota payment (and you have the "Show Pending Expenses" option activated). -
Why live minimum value (to remain live) is different than to-beat value (to get live)?
Because when a bid is live, it only needs to beat the top outbid to remain live.
To be live, a bid needs to beat the first live bid, beating the top outbid is not enough. That is the reason why the two values are different. -
How to select the appropriate rating(s) for my ads and sites?
To set the appropriate rating, ask yourself the following questions regarding the target site:
- Does the website contain content suitable for all ages? If yes, then select "All Ages", if no, continue to next option.
- Does the website contain content suitable for mature audiences? If Yes then select "Mature."
- Does the website contain pornography and/or excessive violence and gore? If yes, "Adult (R18+)."
Keep in mind that if you allow R18+ ads to run on your website, you can also allow Mature ads too depending on your preferences. For more information on ratings, please read the "What does each rating mean?" question. -
How do I control the types of ads that run on my site?
- At My Account Sites :: Ad unit edition buttons :: Form
As a premium user you have extended control of auto ads on your published ad units.
You may disable auto ads for that particular unit or force them to display on units which min. bid is at least $0.01 (auto ads do not display by default on those ad units). - At My Account Sites :: Publisher site edition buttons :: Form
For all users, it's possible to control the display of NSFW ads (auto or not) by checking the checkboxes accordingly on the "Allowed NSFW Ad Ratings" card. - At My Account Sites :: Listing
For all users, it's possible to stop or ban a targeted ad (from a user bid/exchange), by using the controls available on the ad unit cards.
- At My Account Sites :: Ad unit edition buttons :: Form
I've registered a website with a URL which doesn't allow hosting ads on it, what now?
Websites like Webtoons and Tapastic can be added here only for profile listing purposes.
There is no need for you to delete your website entry, If you wish to have your ad units receive bids you can simply add an alternate URL for a location where it's possible for you to paste Javascript codes.
Alternate URLs can be added at: My Account Sites -> "+ ALT URL" buttons
Later if you wish, for convenience, you may feature the alternate URL as the main URL using the respective buttons present on the alternate URLs listing. -
Why does my ad image lose its animation after uploading?
Animated images have a filesize limit, keep your image under that filesize to retain the animation.
The re-sample boundary limit is displayed below the image upload input in KB.
If you keep your image below that limit, it'll be copied (thus retaining the original properties) instead of being re-sampled (flattened). -
What is the publisher "Impartiality Rule"? (Introduced September 2024)
The "Impartiality Rule" prevents the exploitation of the ad unit's minimum value setting (which affects the bid's pay values).
This rule locks the setting's raise offset to a reasonable value while active bids exist on the ad unit.
Payments & Paypal
Why can't I get the dummy payment to work?
At Paypal, please click the "Continue" button, not the cancel link. When you're redirected from Paypal, the payment will be skipped, and only the account details set.
Important: Clicking the "Cancel & return to merchant" link will not supply your account details to Comicad.
HINT: If ever you click the button at Comicad, and you end up on a blank page, clean your internet browser / Paypal cookies, and try again. -
Why was my payment rejected?
There might exist a problem with your Paypal account or the used funding source (Paypal balance, credit card, bank...). Possible solutions:
- Retry later, it might be a temporary problem on Paypal side.
- Try with another funding source or contact Paypal support.
- Add funds to Paypal balance and use it as funding source.
- You can also use Comicad contact page to request an invoice.
How Do I Add Funds?
To add funds on Comicad Network visit your User Account Landing page and click the "ADD FUNDS" button, which will take you to the Add Funds section. From here choose the desired amount from a dropdown. Please note that Paypal is currently the only method in which to add and withdrawal funds.
What is a PREMIUM MEMBER subscription?
A PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP is a subscription plan that comes with a lot of great benefits to your user account. The benefits are listed as follows:
BONUS: Premium Members will get their comic featured on the Homepage and Search pages!
1. Increased Ad Units per site (up to 5)
2. Up to 5 Alternative URLs per site
3. Increased available slots per Ad Unit for some ad types
4. Increased registered websites (up to 5)
5. Control of published auto ads
6. Allow auto ads on paid units
7. Bid duration extended from 30 to 60 days.
8. Exchange duration increased to 60 days.
9. Increased add funds limits.
10. Increased withdrawal limits.
11. EXTEND ALL button on bids list (that extends all bids in one go).
12. Enables hiding of the footer text link in ad spaces / units. -
How do I pay for a subscription plan & does it automatically renew?
A subscription plan can be payed for via your current account balance. The amount of each plan is exact, so you can make sure to keep enough for your current bids (if you have any) while having enough to pay for the subscription. If you need more funds, you can ADD FUNDS (via Paypal) to your account beforehand.
Yes, subscriptions can be set to automatically renew. Just set Auto-Renew to ON in the subscription card. Alternatively, you can set your plan to expire by turning the Auto-Renew OFF.
You will receive a warning 48h before your subscription expires or renews. -
If I extend a subscription way before it expires, I'm I wasting money?
No, you are not wasting money. Extended subscriptions stack by adding more time to the current plan (if you so wish) and always extends starting from the existing expiration date. After successfully extending a plan, the appropriate amount for will be deducted from your current account balance.
What happens when my subscription expires?
When that happens, your usergroup is reverted back to normal user.
All sites and units beyond the new limits, are made unavailable for new bids/exch (existing bids/exch. are not affected).
Units with a number of slots above the limit are reverted to the new limit as well. You can make the items available again by switching with others, or renewing the subscription.
All the other premium settings are disabled. -
How much does a PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP cost?
The cost of a Premium Membership depends on the duration (run time) of the plan you select. Here are the 4 subscription plans that you can choose from (and their cost):
1. MONTHLY PLAN - $3.00 USD per month.
2. 6 MONTHS PLAN - $16.50.00 USD per 6 months.
3. YEARLY PLAN - $25.00 USD annually.
4. LIFETIME PLAN - $115.00 USD one time payment. -
Where do I sign up and pick my subscription plan?
You can sign up by going to your user account landing page and finding the subscription card. Click the "get one" link and you'll be taken tot the subscription page. Alternatively, you can copy this handy link -
How do I use points and what can they do?
You can trade in earned POINTS for a Premium Membership subscription! Set the subscription to automatically renew to keep trading in points. To trade in your points, please go to the Subscription Section in your user account profile and select the points tab. Note: 120 PTS can be traded in for a one month Premium Membership subscription.
How do I earn points?
Make sure to use your unique user referral link located in your user account profile (near your avatar). You can earn points the following ways:
1 PT is awarded for each unique visitor sent to Comicad using your referral link.
2 PTS are awarded for each new signup that places at least one bid or exchange (resulting from your ref link).
2 PTS are awarded for each new account that adds $5.00 in funds (resulting from your ref link). -
What if I set my one month subscription to "auto renew" but have run out of points?
When set to auto renew, your referral points will automatically be traded in to extend your Premium Membership by 1 month. If your pts balance is insufficient, the required $ value will be taken from your user account balance.
Flexible bidding system (Flex bids)
How do the new "Flex bids" work?
A flex bid represents the maximum value willing to pay for an ad space in a 24h period. The amount that will be paid is based on an increment higher than the next competitor's bid value (next in line bid). *The value paid is always the minimum needed to beat the next competitor bid. *See increments when bidding extremely large bids.
I see the term "Pays" under my bid. What does it mean & does the value change?
The term "PAYS" refers to the actual current amount you will be paying based on the next competitor's bid (next in line bid). The $ value shown in green is your current bid value that is winning.
Yes, the value can change. Every time the next competitor changes (new bids on the ad space, raises or expires), or when the maximum is lowered below the default increment by the bid owner. Bids are in a constant state of flux and competition, so the "PAYS" value will change according to how high or low the next in line bid is, and other factors mentioned above (up to your maximum bid value).
Statistics (DAV / UDAV)
What is the difference between a unique view and a unique visitor?
A unique view is an unrepeated view made by a single user in a 24h period, this metric was made available in October 22th, 2021.
A unique visitor is a single user visiting a site in a 24h period (this metric is not available in Comicad statistics). -
What is the meaning of a zero DAV number (search list / public unit profiles) ?
A zero number may indicate several statuses:
- The site is new and is yet to deliver statistics.
- The code isn't properly set on the target site or is outdated.
- If none of the above is true, it simply means the site failed to deliver 1 view in the last 7 days.
Those types of publisher sites are pushed to the end of the search listing and are not eligible to be bid on.
Read the user guide to know more about the DAV numbers:
How do I create a new Campaign?
To create a campaign simply go to the Campaigns Section in your account menu and click “New Campaign” and follow the instructions. Select any ads that you have created on Comicad, target specific genres (and sub-genres), create a budget, a daily limit, and a bid limit, then click “Create Campaign.”
What is a Budget?
A budget is the total $ amount you are willing to spend on a campaign. Once the budget has been exhausted, the campaign (and its bids) will end. Please note that a campaign can expire before the budget is exhausted. Your budget can be edited once a campaign has been created. A budget is required.
What is a Bid Limit?
The Bid Limit represents the highest $ amount you are willing to pay up to per bid in a campaign. Only bids that you can win within (and up to) your bid limit will be targeted. The bid limit works in conjunction with the Start Up Modes, which can be selected via a dropdown menu when creating a campaign. Please note, once a campaign has been created and its bids spread, if any outbids are present, you must edit your campaign and change your bid limit value (usually to a higher amount) to refresh your outbids so they may become live again.
What is a Mode, or Start Up Mode?
When creating a campaign you can choose between 2 modes. Each mode affects your campaign's eligible bids and their max values, and is influenced by your Bid Limit. Selecting a Start Up Mode is required.
TO-WIN Mode: Your campaign will only bid the minimum needed to win on all targeted units within your bid limits range, up to the set value (which is the Bid Limit's value).
FIXED MAX Mode: This mode will set every bid in your campaign at the same max value. Fixed Max mode uses the Bid Limit to determine the value of all the campaign's bids.
Please note: You can change your bid limit at any time (during an active campaign) by going into your campaign settings via the Edit button. Editing your bid limit will refresh your bid statuses. For example, an outbid can become live again when changing your limits to a higher value than before. -
How do I pause (and un-pause) a Campaign?
To pause a campaign, click the Pause button near the Campaign's title. Pausing an entire campaign will temporally stop every single bid that you have running in your campaign. You can also individually pause each campaign bid in the Campaign Bids List. To resume a paused campaign (or campaign bid), simply click the un-pause button. Please note, resuming from a paused state can take up to 5 minutes to update its status.
Campaigns can remain paused for up to 30 days. After that period of time, they expire.
The remaining time from when the campaign was paused is resumed when you un-pause.
When a campaign expires, all its bids expire, regardless if they are paused or not. -
Will my campaign automatically spread to more units?
Campaigns are semi-automated, meaning a combination of automatic and manual management. Once a campaign has been created, it can only spread to the targeted units that appeared in the generated list during a campaigns creation. If you wish to increase the targeted ad units, when creating a campaign you can go back to step one to include more genres, or change your daily limit and re-generate the list. You can also target new ad spaces by creating a brand new campaign. Users can have up to 3 at a time.
Why some inputs present on the creation form are absent on the edition?
The inputs that are not on the edition form are the ones which only purpose was to build the campaign unit list.
List generation only:
- All step 1 inputs.
- "Only bid on the publisher's top traffic unit".
- "Startup mode".
- "List Priority".
- "Sort List By".
Editable through 3rd-party tools:
- "Max Days to Run" - disabled, can be updated with the extend button on the main listing.
Enforced when the campaign spreads to an ad-unit:
- "Min. DAV".
- "Exclude units which require approval". -
How do I refresh my campaign outbids so they are winning again?
There are three types of outbids on a campaign:
- With theicon - It means your account wallet or your campaign budget is out of funds, depositing funds or raising the budget shall get the outbids back to winning on the next remote website pageview.
- With theicon - it means the daily limit is reached (the campaign payload is too close to the daily limit). In this case raising the daily limit shall get the outbids back to winning on the next remote website pageview.
- Without any icon - it means your bid is a normal outbid (it was beaten by another bid), sometimes when fixing the cases described above, they'll remain outbids, just lose the icon. The only way to get these outbids back to winning again is by re-spreading the campaign mode using the re-spread button.
NOTE: After using the re-spread button, you may have to adjust the other limits to accommodate the payload increase.
IMPORTANT: When changing the budget or daily limit, a period of at least 5 minutes is required to have it reflect on the bids.
Default Increments
How do increments work?
Increments act like a small fee based on the percentage of your total max bid amount. An increment kicks in when a max bid value is excessively high over the current winning bid. For example a $10.00 bid on a $0.01 ad space is considered "very high" given the low minimum to beat value, and could potentially create a bid stalemate. In these situations the increment will kick in to restore balance.
What is a bid stalemate?
A bid stalemate is when a fixed-max campaign (or a user) places excessively large bids on an ad unit (or multiple ad units) in order to completely dominate the ad space, and eliminate competition. This can prevent any other advertiser from attempting to bid on the ad space, creating a bid stalemate. Please keep in mind, this type of bidding is still allowed, as you are free to bid in any manner you desire.