Sat, 20-Aug-2022 02:44pm

Comicad Network Campaigns are here!

Introducing CAMPAIGNS! Campaigns are a great way to automatically place a wide range of bids on Comicad. In other words, Campaigns make bidding easier! Target specific genres & ratings, pick a budget (among other settings), and generate a list of ad spaces that suits your style. You can create a new campaign by visiting the "Campaigns" section found in your user account menu. To learn more about Campaigns, please read the FAQs.


Thu, 09-Dec-2021 04:16pm

Introducing Referral Points!

Points can now be earned by referring new visitors to Comicad via your user referral link! But that's not all-- You can trade in earned POINTS for a Premium Membership subscription! Set the subscription to automatically renew to keep trading in points. Below is a brief outline on how to earn points!

1 PT is awarded for each unique visitor sent to Comicad using your referral link.
2 PTS are awarded for each new signup that places at least one bid or exchange.
2 PTS are awarded for each new account that adds $5.00 in funds.


What happens to my old referrals (my referrals before this new update)?
Current referral values will be converted to POINTS! You can see your points balance near your avatar in your user profile, and in the subscription section where you can choose to trade in points for a Premium Membership!

How many points do I need to trade in for a Premium Membership?
120 POINTS can be traded in for a 1 Month Premium Membership.

Can points be used to trade in for other items / rewards?
At this time, points can only be traded in for Premium Membership subscriptions. More rewards may be added in he future.

Head on over to our FAQ section for more information on POINTS.

Thu, 01-Oct-2020 11:59am



A PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP is a subscription plan that comes with a lot of great benefits to your user account. The benefits are listed as follows:

BONUS: Premium Members will get their comic featured on the Homepage and Search pages!

1. Increased Ad Units per site (up to 5)
2. Up to 5 Alternative URLs per site
3. Increased available slots per Ad Unit for some ad types
4. Increased registered websites (up to 5)
5. Control of published auto ads
6. Allow auto ads on paid units
7. Bid duration extended from 30 to 60 days.
8. Exchange duration increased to 60 days.
9. Increased add funds limits.
10. Increased withdrawal limits.
11. EXTEND ALL button on bids list (that extends all bids in one go).
12. Enables hiding of the footer text link in ad spaces / units.

How much does a PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP cost?

The cost of a Premium Membership depends on the duration (run time) of the plan users select. Here are the 4 subscription plans that users can choose from (and their cost in USD):

MONTHLY PLAN - $3.00 per month.
6 MONTHS PLAN - $16.50 per 6 months.
YEARLY PLAN - $25.00 annually.
LIFETIME PLAN - $115.00 one time payment.

Plans can be automatically renewed, or manually renewed, or be set to expire if one so wishes. When a Premium Member Subscription expires, the user's account will revert back to normal status and the extra Premium options will be disabled.

For more information about Premium Memberships, please check the FAQ section on subscriptions ( ).

Keep on comic making, Staff

Mon, 08-Jul 02:50pm

Stay up-to-date with Comicad RSS Publisher Feeds!

COMICAD.NET UPDATE: Stay up-to-date with Comicad RSS Publisher Feeds! Get offsite notifications about your bids, exchanges, and approvals in your favorite Feed Reader or RSS browser extension! Each Comicad Network publisher has access to their own unique feed that encompasses their account activity and site notifications. Enjoy more flexibility with Comicad RSS Feeds! Note: Please keep your Feed URL private.


Sun, 16-Jun 03:49am

Sort by Cost Per Click in Campaigns and New Ads Preview

UPDATE: You can now SORT a campaign's list of bids by COST PER CLICK (CPC)! When sorting either by CPC or expenses, both values appear on the campaign listing. While the other modes will still show the default expenses icon, which has the values available on mouse hover. To access the Sort Options, please click the COG icon in the corner in the campaign section.


But that's not all! You can preview your ads by clicking the new Ad Preview & Selection Button, next to the ad selection input when placing a bid (on unit profiles)! View your ads, select & hit OK! We hope these QOL updates enhance your user experience.


Tue, 14-May 01:30pm

Premium Members now get an EXTRA 6th AD UNIT

Premium Members now get an EXTRA 6th AD UNIT (previously it was 5 total). We hope this adds even more flexibility and enhances your ad publishing experience.

Sun, 05-May 10:14am

Issue fixed on pending regular bids

Please check your account's bid listing to see if you have bids to be approved, chances are you missed some because of this issue.
The issue affected non-campaign bid approvals from April 24th to May 4th.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Fri, 12-Jan 04:37pm

Introducing the new NOTIFICATIONS MENU

Incoming update on Introducing the new NOTIFICATIONS MENU, complete with SWEEP function. The new menu organizes notifications to reduce clutter & improve readability. And the new SWEEP button discards all items at once! Pretty handy!


Tue, 02-Jan 02:58pm

New Account Email Update Method

Since many accounts got locked due to mistyped/unreachable emails, changing the main account e-mail now requires the emailed verification code before the update is effective.
Until the verification code sent to the new email address is supplied, the account email will not be changed, the operation can be canceled at any time and the account will not get locked because of it.

Sun, 24-Dec-2023 10:30am

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

We wish happy holidays to all our users and partners.

Tue, 05-Dec-2023 09:44pm

Rating standardization and the introduction of the Teen rating

The ratings of ads, publisher sites and publisher acceptance have been standardized.
A new rating "Teen" has been added to patch the "Mature" rating deficiency. The "Teen" inherited the "Mature" acceptance in order for live bids/exchanges not be disturbed.
The ad ratings are now as follows:

- Mild Nudity; Some Violence/Gore/Language
- Non explicit sexual content; Strong Violence/Gore/Language
- Pornography; Excessive Violence/Gore/Language

Some ads have been automatically moved to "Teen", owners shall raise their rating if it's not correct.
Publishers shall modify the ratings and acceptance of their sites accordingly.

Fri, 02-Jun-2023 12:01pm

Premium Members can now opt to hide the text footer on their ad units

Premium Member subscribers on Comicad Network can now hide the footer text link on ad units. Instead, a small Comicad logo appears in the corner of the ad. This makes for a cleaner design if desired. Premium Members can find this new option via a checkbox in their individual ad unit settings (by clicking the edit button on ad units) in their "Sites Section."

For more info on how to become a Premium Member and its perks, please read the FAQ Section or by clicking the "Get One" link in your Subscription card within your user account landing page.

Tue, 28-Mar-2023 11:22am

New Withdrawal options and Balance Flush

Users can now withdrawal funds (user balance) at lower thresholds. The new options include $5, $10, $15, and $20 as well as an option to flush your balance. We hope his offers a bit more flexibility when managing your Comicad account funds.

Please note: Account balances below $5.00 can only be withdrawn (balance flush) by de-activating the account. Account balances below $0.50 cannot be withdrawn (due to transaction fees).

Sun, 26-Mar-2023 01:39pm


Good news everyone! We have updated to include an EXTEND ALL button in the Bids List section for PREMIUM MEMBERS. Any bid(s) that need extending (within the 48h expiration window) can now be automatically extended with a press of a button. Just input the amount of days you'd like to extend all bids by and click OK. That's it!

PREMIUM MEMBERSHIPS include other great great benefits too, so please consider signing up. Happy Comic Making!


Sat, 24-Dec-2022 11:17am

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

We wish happy holidays to all our users and partners.