Mon, 19-Oct-2020 03:21pm

New adjust button for live bids

A new button has been introduced to adjust live bids value, without the need to cancel/rebid.
The button icon also works as a tag to distinguish bids that are paying above the needed to win from the ones that aren't.

Please note that currently Comicad Network uses a static bid system. Please see FAQ for more information. For that same reason, the adjust button is being introduced.

Please consult the legend of your account bid list page for more information about the new adjust button.

Sun, 13-Sep-2020 02:17pm

Some improvements

  • Search list's yellow icons now display the live status (play icon); these icons now override the gray ones.
  • Removed redundant "No notifications" welcome popup.
  • Min. bid value is now auto filled when creating a bid unit.
  • Your ads/sites input is now auto selected on comic profiles when there's only one option.

Tue, 25-Aug-2020 09:34pm

Alternative raise/extend buttons available.

Due to some issue reports regarding the default raise/extend buttons, an alternative version of those buttons is available on bid and exchange listing settings.

Fri, 14-Aug-2020 08:20am

New notifications

New private messages and news now notify through e-mail. It's possible to opt-in/out on account settings section. PM notifications can also be toggled on the inbox itself.

Tue, 04-Aug-2020 11:03am

News & Updates

  • Publisher Demos are available (for guests to test their site's stats/placement).
  • All ad models now have a dark default ad option available on unit edition page.
  • Bug fixed on unit DAVs: The DAVs on the first 7 days had 1 missing day on the denominator (resulting in superfluous DAVs on that period).
  • Site Dav's (Search page, Site Profiles) now reflect the site's top unit in real time.

Wed, 29-Jul-2020 09:56am

Demo publisher codes coming August 1st

From August 1st on, guest users will be able to publish auto ads on their websites without the need to register or provide an email.
The main goal of demo codes is to allow wannabe publishers to preview the traffic their websites get with Comicad system. It can also be used to test ad placement.
Each url will only be allowed to run 1 ad unit every 7 days. If the publisher is happy with the statistics, he/she might consider registering for real.

Wed, 08-Jul-2020 02:38pm

Half Banner available for exchanges

Half Banner ad model is now available for exchange ad units.

Wed, 08-Jul-2020 07:52am


The faq section is brand new, it contains the most frequently asked questions.
You can find links to the FAQ on the website footer and contact page.

Thu, 02-Jul-2020 01:35pm

Update News

The system has been updated to Version 3.0!

What's new:

1. Live bids now get outbid on the remote view right after they get out of funds. This measure allows a more efficient management of the live time.
2. Solved the account's bid and exchange lists clone row issue, which occurred on quick discards. Also decreased Bid List number of columns on Desktop screens.
3. New feature: when you click a Raise or Rebid button, a checkup is performed to see if the form values are up-to-date.
4. Added "Outbid/Live" labels to Raise buttons.
5. Improved "Pending Live" button.

Sat, 27-Jun-2020 06:58pm

Fix for mobile buttons

The following buttons had issues on mobile environment:
The search page auto buttons (both bid & exchange).
The bid list raise and extend buttons.
The exchange list extend button.
The buttons shall be working correctly now, we apologize for the inconvenience, if you find any issue, please do not hesitate to report it using contact page.

Fri, 19-Jun-2020 12:16am

New Billboard ad model

Due to the lack of popularity, the "Responsive" ad model, which allowed custom ad formats, up to 1000x600, has been discontinued. It's no longer possible to use the model for new units or ads.
To replace it: the new Billboard model, fixed-size, 1000x250 and responsive by default.

Tue, 16-Jun-2020 09:31pm

New Responsive Options for Fixed Ad Types

All fixed sized ad units now have mobile responsive options via checkbox. When checked the ad type will scale proportionally depending on container size (or browser window) up to the original ad type's dimensions. These new options are useful for ads that need to display on small screen sizes.

Sat, 06-Jun-2020 01:43pm

Comicad Limited Beta will be doing a limited live beta of new account options on Saturday June 6th to Sept 6th 2020 (and possibly beyond). We've chosen user accounts at random that meet the criteria for testing these new options/features, so you may see some different options or layouts on a limited number of user accounts during the beta period.

Comicad Staff

Tue, 19-May-2020 11:16am

Solved issue with Rebid button

The rebid button would not work on publisher sites which titles had a quote (').
It's now fixed.

Sun, 03-May-2020 06:06pm

Update for remote ad unit javascript codes

  1. It's now possible to enable support for defer/async attributes, all you need to do is check the option on the site's edit page and place "defer" or "async" on the script tag.
  2. With this update duplicate and hidden units no longer count for the statistics. If you have such units on your site, you might experience a small drop in the daily views.
  3. Please note that unit duplication is allowed for design purposes only, it's forbidden to have more than 1 duplicate unit visible on the layout at same time.